⭐⭐ Tasting Menu at Dstage 🏆

 Pro An unforgettable experience.
 Con Your bank manager might love you a little bit less.

Per Person 15-plate tasting menu comes in at €145. Add wine, coffee and it's €160+ per person.

In Pictures
On Google Images

Website https://dstageconcept.com/en/
Access Stepfree around eating area.

In Short
USP? Diego Guerrero's mind.
First Impressions. Quiet, airy and softly lit, with a spacious feel atypical in Madrid.
The offer in three words? Off the scale.
Hopes. A culinary adventure,
Reality. First time visitors with us got just what they expected. The complimentary adjectives ran out about five courses in.
Roasted Cauliflower
Eat me! 15 courses that defy simple description and do exactly what the chef wants: activate all your senses. You'could be amused by pretend kumquats. Or completely tricked by cheeky chorizo-that-isn't. Or given the aromas of autumn with burnt rosemary. You'll laugh. You'll wonder.  You might find yourself trying perfectly smoked eel with intensely flavoured little chicken skin crisps. Or a tiny puff pastry flavoured with finger lime. How about pappardelle made from apple? An outstanding and beautiful corn and kefir custard? Standby to revel in the joy of cauliflower. Yes, those words could belong together. Miracles can happen.

Approach with an open mind, ready to be entertained.
Chorizo with Txakoli
Kumquat - or not?
Service! Simply exceptional. Bilingual, with explanations, eating suggestions and a chat with the owner at the end.
Friend friendly? 75% of our omnivorous menu was meat free, so we're pretty confident 100% is doable.
Rating for dating. Dinner lasts around three hours. Can you take it? More importantly, can they?
Tip? Yes.
Change one thing? We all felt the pre-dessert, a mushroom foie and onion dish, with the flavour profile of a sublime cheese and pickle sandwich, would have sat better before the palate cleanser. And we told them.
Revisitability.  The clearly now legendary - everyone was asking for it - popcorn and candyfloss dessert with mango coulis means you'll have to go back. Simple, really. Just don't tell the bank manager yet.
Food ★★★★★ Service ★★★★★ VFM ★★★★

Photos Stef Atkins.